Friday, December 27, 2019
The Severity Of People s Ptsd Symptoms Following The...
The severity of people s PTSD symptoms following the hurricane was overtly connected to the amount of television coverage they watched of the damage which included the looting of New Orleans, rescue efforts, and evacuations in and around the Superdome and the Convention Center in New Orleans. People fared better in terms of PTSD symptoms if they watched less television coverage overall, especially of the looting. They also benefitted from using prayer as a way of coping with the stress of the hurricane. A natural disaster, such as Hurricane Katrina, can have a major impact on a person s life. Following a traumatic event such as this, it is normal to want to seek out as much information as you can, and watching television may be one way to do this. However, as this study and other studies on the effects of disasters show, extensive viewing of television coverage of traumatic events may put people at risk for depression and PTSD. Therefore, it may be important to keep an eye on what yo u and your family are watching after stressful events. A news report on the mental health of Hurricane Katrina victims’ shows patterns in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast that are contrary to post traumatic stress disorder usually seen after major disasters. The mental health of Hurricane Katrina victims is worsening with the drawn out recovery time. The mental health of Hurricane Katrina survivors contains some surprising information. The study s author says what s going on in the Gulf CoastShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Hurricane Katrina And Its Impact On The Mental Health2127 Words  | 9 Pages PTSD, Psychological Effects of Hurricane Katrina and its impact on the Mental Health By definition, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), is the †¦ It was not until the 1980’s that the diagnosis of PTSD as we know it today came to be. 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